Become a Victory Haven Member

Member Access

$55 One Hour Consultation

**Concierge Services for added fee**


$95 Monthly Membership

$1,000 for Annual Membership


* One-on-One Consultations
* WEEKLY Online Discussion Group
* Periodic Food Demonstrations
* Guest Speakers
* Access to Exclusive Videos & Other Resources

A Private Member Foundation
of Yahweh Rof’ekah Ecclesia Foundation
Daniel 1:8

A Private Member Foundation
of Yahweh Rof’ekah Ecclesia Foundation

Become a Member to:

* Schedule an Appointment

* Gain Access to Premium Content

** Concierge Services available for added fee **

2 Samuel 24:24 – How much is your health worth to you?

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Our Channels

(Members only)


  • Periodic cooking demonstrations, which always include a recipe for each attendee.
  • Periodic videos followed by discussion time
  • Periodic book studies with content discussion time
  • Support and encouragement for each member to help him/her be successful in their health journey
  • Periodic Guest Speakers

A Few of Our Food Samplings:

Beet Smoothie

Cleansing and detoxifying for the liver and kidneys! Beets also open the capillaries of the blood vessels in our bodies, allowing for greater oxygen flow throughout the body.

Raw Carrot Cake

So enticingly delicious!

Asparagus Covered in Hollandaise

Great dish for boosting immune function and healing from cancer. 


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More Videos

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Other Resources

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Personal Care Resources

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Pet Care Resources

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Mealtime Helpers

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