Contact Us
If you are looking for more information on our program, you’ll need to become a Member first. We offer 3 levels of Membership.
PLEASE, take time to Read the information in the Right Column of this page, under the Beach picture. TIA!
Victory Haven Natural Health Group
![Naomi's Beach Mural - World of Possiblities - VH Website [14 Sept 2023]](
If you have a health question…
Victory Haven gets hundreds of visitors per year, which means our story and message are reaching a lot of people, which I’m really happy about! But this also means healthy boundaries need to be set, which is why…
We cannot answer health questions via email, Facebook, or phone
We do want to help you!
BUT, healing takes time & effort, which cannot be appropriately handled via email, Facebook, or phone.
Scheduling a Consultation with us is the best way to help you find your healing path. This includes finding out about our program.
If you are trying to get well, but confused
We KNOW from personal experience how overwhelming and confusing it can be trying to know where to start.
If you’re trying to get well, but you’re feeling confused, overwhelmed and don’t know where to start, we recommend…
Members enjoy access to:
* Private Consultations
* Our Weekly Support Community Group
* An extensive list of resource links which include Books, Videos
* & More
We’re sorry, but we can’t…
Occasionally we get messages like this:
“…the doctors removed my breasts, ovaries, uterus, most of my intestines and half my liver. I’m currently doing chemo and taking several prescription medications to stay alive. Please help me!”
We’re sorry, we just can’t.
We are not Emergency Room Doctors.
If you have serious health problems directly caused by surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, or prescription drugs we can’t give you any specific advice. Being poisoned, irradiated, having body parts removed, and taking prescription drugs will drastically change your internal anatomy. Those procedures complicate healing to a level beyond our experience and knowledge.
We’re also unable to work with smokers unwilling to give up the habit. Smoking complicates healing to a level beyond our experience and knowledge.
If you have taken the C-19 Jab, please understand that this complicates healing to a level that will required 150% effort on YOUR part.
Please Don’t ask us to contact someone we don’t know who has cancer
If you want to share info about nutrition and natural therapies with a cancer patient, send them to our site. If the information here resonates with them, and they feel like this is the path they want to go down, then they should contact us. It is critical for the patient to take control of their health and become a seeker of information. You can’t heal someone by proxy. Make sense?
Share Your Story…
If you have completely healed cancer with nutrition and natural therapies, I want to help you share your story with the world! Share your story here
- We cannot answer questions over email, or Messenger
- It takes time for dis-ease to show up. The same is true for healing… It takes time.
- There is NO Magic Pill.
- Schedule your consultation for best results.
Thanks for understanding!
Naomi & Tim
Consultation Fees:
See our Membership page
A portion of our fees go to:
- Ongoing outreach efforts to bring health education and the knowledge that You Do Have Healing Options to the public
- Our Community Service Project, Books to the Rescue